Smart and ready to save? It’s simple. Use Paypal to pay for your very own book or buy multiple books for your friends! Your book will be shipped directly to your doorstep and you’ll be ready to enjoy local establishments from all over Madison and neighboring suburbs!

Drink and Food Savings Guide
The Ultimate 2-for-1 Food and Drink Book is pages and pages of food and drink coupons to use on over 100+ Dane county bars and restaurants. As you visit any of the establishments listed in this booklet, show your server your passport/coupon and they will sign and date your passport. Once you get your passport validated, you’ve completed your tour and you get your drink or food deal! It’s that easy!
Only $25.00 (plus $4.95 shipping/handling)
Interested in the Rock Cocktails Passport for drink and food deals in the Rock County areas? Click here!
Interested in the Waukesha Cocktails Passport for drink and food deals in the Waukesha County areas? Click here!